Thursday, August 03, 2006

August Newsletter

“Blessed are the flexible for they shall not be
broken” Janet Strout.

Growing up as a missionary and pastors kid I heard this so much that I even thought it was scripture! This has been our family’s motto for years and we are beginning to understand why. Jesus is so faithful to take all our set plans and agendas and totally tip them over to His plans for us! We trust Him!
That said, we have experienced some exciting change in the timeline of our mission-medic adventures.
The Vineyard College of Missions here in Boise will be doing some restructuring this next year which will mean a year off for the mission medic and children in crisis tracks. So, we have been released from our commitment to teach those schools next year. This means we get to do other rockin’ things that we had been planning on anyway, we just get to do it sooner than expected.
First of all, we will be traveling with the school in Sept-Dec as planned. Then, depending on several variables, we are hoping to spend January-April/May with the poor in Nepal with the Vineyard in Katmandu!! This is something we have been praying for ever since we attended the Asian summit in 2003! As many of you may know, this country has been in civil war for almost 6 years now and the situation is not good, especially as the very poor have been the target of many of the Maoist attacks. The human trafficking and street children situation in that country is alarming.
Then Shawn will start physician assistant school in June of 2007, hopefully with a focus in public health! He is so excited for this. The past few months of training have really helped him to narrow what he wants to focus on in PA school and how he will help in developing nations in the future. Jenna will be working with the Vineyard in Lewiston, Maine to further the cause of the kids in crisis. This is just the beginning!

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