Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Baby home and Welfareville

Shawn and I spent Tuesday in Antipolo at a baby home.The baby home has 13 babies from 2 months to 2 years and the Children In Crisis students will be taking 8 hour shifts during the weekdays to help take care of them. It was heartbreaking to hear the various stories of these little babies. One was found in the garbage at a mall in Manila, he is now over a year and doing well. Others were left by parents who knew they could not afford to feed them. We will spend our time praying over them and giving all the love that is possible. I personally will not be pulling the long shifts with them, since I have 2 of my own and they won't let the toddlers be with the little one, but I'll get in as much as possible.

We also did a prayer walk through one of the main slums here, Welfareville. It was crazy to see all the men standing around. Unemployment is a serious problem. I got to pray with one young mom who was really worried about finding a job to feed her two little boys. She said she was willing to do anything, even move to another country away from her boys if she could find work. She explained that she was an orphan and so she didn't have family around her to help her. I can't imagine what it would feel like to feel like you have so few options in life. My heart broke for her. I take comfort in knowing that Jesus knows her better than anyone as is working on her behalf. Please pray for her to find a job here in Manila so she can stay with her kids!

We are well. We chopped off Marie's curls yesterday due to heat rash. She looks super cute! There are new pictures to on Stepp Photos

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