Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Elephant has landed (or not)

Really, that's the opposite of what we want to be...the large, loud, arraogant American that is going to be the stomp on the opposition. Our goal is to be much more like the ant...extremely small footprints and carrying 10-30 times our weight. No matter what, we feel a bit like the elephant at first in another culture: ranchid smells, cold bucket baths, lack of clean water, not speaking the language or understanding the jokes...yet, as our eyes turn from ourselves to the fantastic colors, beautiful people, and amazing opportunities to love from the time we got on the plane, our feet shrink...God's heart in us enlarges...and maybe we become a bit more like the ant. Let it be God! May your justice and power be made clear in and through our hearts!

Note for our family: the girls traveled beautifully with Marie often plaintively counseling us to "calm down" when we tried to get her stay buckled in her seat...we're a bit jet-lagged but very healthy (and we're on skype!). Love you all so much!! Ellena has already been an awesome expression of God's love to many with her outrageous smiles and giggles. Thanks for your prayers!!! God is moving!

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